发表于 2008-3-6 03:35:50
I think it is really immoral to catch them during their spawning season, because they are trying to protect their eggs and baby, so if you interrupt them, it will affect their reproduction. when you catch the mother fish, you are placing the eggs and babies in a dangers situation where other fish can attack them and eat them. also, the mother will even eat their babies when they see other fish attacks, because they don't want their babies to be eaten by others. just like you being as a parents, would you like your children to be hurt? and attack by other people? and what would you do if you are the fish? so please, let them finish their job first, and let's follow the rule of Lure fishing : "Catch and Release", which is to give a chance for the fish to reproduce more and more, so we can catch more fish and have more fun. thank you 36_2_35 |