weiyuntai 发表于 2007-7-10 09:41:00


MR0857 发表于 2007-7-10 11:01:13

36_2_33 36_2_33

MR0857 发表于 2007-7-10 11:10:42

he must be working very very hard (fish mixed with water+time=results.) so he can show us green horn what is remarkable! .............tick ...........tick...............tick............tok......tick......tock.....waiting ..........still waiting for the GREATREMARKABLE CATCH...36_2_45

Surf-Kenny 发表于 2007-7-10 11:22:08

原帖由 MR0857 于 2007-7-10 11:10 发表
he must be working very very hard (fish mixed with water+time=results.) so he can show us green horn what is remarkable! .............tick ...........tick...............tick............tok......t ...

Wahahahahaha.....36_2_33 36_2_33 36_2_33 want to play pang...later all the kaki from "Jounery To The West" come out i think he got no shit to show us sian......hehehehehehehehehe....36_2_35 36_2_35 36_2_35 me too i'm still waiting for the so call "REMARKABLE CATCH REPORT" from that shit guy....still waiting night time i dun sleep also want to wait and see....hehehehehehehe.....36_2_35 36_2_35 36_2_35

天公仔 发表于 2007-7-10 17:09:23

回复 #115 MR0857 的帖子

So watever happen to the lowly degenerated being?All quiet?Fancy him cumming to pple's post and trying to show off the degenerated english?Well it doesnt matter coz wat he said wont hurt us?But however it will hurt him?Let him lie low for the time being and when his post come tru,let us heavenly beings mock at him.Or maybe he's a shemale?We'll never know when he hides inbetween his mama's legs.36_2_33 36_2_33 36_2_33 36_2_33

prodrivep1 发表于 2007-7-11 10:10:53

天公仔 和 天公仔杀手一出手,就知有没有!! 哈哈。。


Reel: ABU Nostalgia 2500 pink with modify ABEC 5 bearings + pure leather Drag.
      Current drag power = Unknow!!! very very powerful

Lure: Duet 3D popper

Retriveal method: slow popping with slight "walk the dog" action

Fish: Herrin

MR0857 发表于 2007-7-11 11:39:19


prodrivep1 发表于 2007-7-11 17:00:03

ok 嘛!!有空就要路路!!

MR0857 发表于 2007-7-12 11:48:32

36_2_49 36_2_49 36_2_43

loujianbo 发表于 2007-7-12 12:23:09

:36_2_5F25 :36_2_5F25
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